

PolkadotJS is the tool for developers. It allows to create blockchain transactions, see the blocks/transactions/events and read the current blockchain state. PolkadotJS was developed for Substrate-based blockchains and is compatible with the TRAIT blockchain.

This powerful app requires some understanding of how the Substrate chains work. To help you this portal provides detailed screencasts that demonstrate step-by-step how to use the PolkadotJS to perform various actions on the TRAIT blockchain.

Launching PolkadotJS

PolkadotJS can be launched via this URL: PolkadotJS. Alternatively you can build & launch it from sources: GitHub.

To connect PolkadotJS to the TRAIT blockchain please follow these steps:

  • Open the menu in the left upper corner;

  • Select Development section;

  • Enter one of TRAIT blockchain nodes:

    • wss://rpc-1.trait.tech

    • wss://rpc-2.trait.tech

    • wss://rpc-3.trait.tech

Last updated

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