Jumpstart: create NFTs and fungible tokens


NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, are a type of digital asset that represent ownership or proof of authenticity of a unique item or piece of content such as artwork, music, videos, or collectibles. What makes NFTs unique is that each token is distinct and cannot be replicated or replaced unlike cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum which are fungible and can be exchanged on a one-to-one basis.

TODO Short screencast to create NFT collection and one NFT token

You can find a detailed guide on how to create an NFT here: How to create an NFT

Fungible tokens

Fungible tokens are digital assets that are interchangeable and can be exchanged on a one-to-one basis. These tokens are commonly used to represent game resources such as gold, crystals, or coins.

TODO Short screencast to create Fungible token and mint some tokens

You can find a guide on how to create a fungible token here: How to create a fungible token


Blockchain only facilitates transfers of NFTs and fungible tokens between players and apps. To provide info about these assets (such as an image or game stats) to another app you need to create appropriate metadata for each minted token. The screencast below demonstrates how to annotate the tokens that we just issued with metadata used for demo account in the TRAIT Wallet.

TODO short screencast to annotate tokens with metadata from https://github.com/traittech/trait-wallet-demo-account

You can find media assets that we used in the screencast here: Demo assets.

Learn more about the concept of metadata and adding metadata to on-chain assets: Metadata

Transfer tokens

Let's test the tokens we just minted - see how it looks in the TRAIT Wallet for a regular player and how to transfer them.

TODO Screencast from TRAIT Wallet

Quick References

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